Sunday, March 25, 2012

Food budget challenge - end of week one

Week one is successfully in the books!

A bug hit our house this week, and made it really difficult not to just call for take-out one night, but I controlled the urge, and powered through.

This week's spending:


Girl Scout Cookies. What more can I say? Got a message from my friend that her daughter was working hard at finishing up a goal, so I had to oblige, right? $20


Hubby stopped on the way home to pick up two bottles of Sprite, because I had a sick stomach and needed something simple to keep down. $2.54


The kids wanted to bake cookies and I hadn't come anywhere near spending my food budget for the week, so I thought a splurge would be OK. They bought two packages of chocolate chips, a box of raisins, a loaf of bread, and another bottle of Sprite (now little B has the bug). $11.61

Total spent this week: $34.15

Under budget: $15.85

Reading this, it seems like our house has a definite cookie problem! We also have an empty snack box, so I'm going to have to find something creative to do in order to fill that for the coming week's afternoon snacks.

The big challenge this week is that I plan to be out of the house four days for work, so evening meals will need to be planned ahead of time in order to keep from relying on an old stand by and blowing the budget.

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