Thursday, December 16, 2010

Baby Bjorn Little Potty

When it came time for potty chairs at our house, we pulled out the one someone had given us, and put it in a prominent place for what I knew would be frequent use. I quickly learned a big lesson about the chair, and knew it was not going to work!

The potty chair which had been sitting in our basement waiting to be called up to the big leagues had several issues. First, it was big. Bria is a tiny babe for her age, so trying to crawl up onto that big potty was pretty difficult. Most of the time when she tried, she ended up with her foot inside the potty, rather than her butt on the seat. Or both, as she used one foot inside to hold herself up on it.

Second, there were really just too many pieces. There is the main body of the chair, a lid that makes it a step stool (which is still attached at this point, but that doesn't mean it would stay that way), a green ring that gives it handles (I actually can't figure out why), then the pot insert, then a blue foam seat. All in all that makes for five pieces.

The first time I pulled it out, those five pieces were spread in four directions across my house. They became hats, frisbees, and all kinds of other special things, the least of which was a potty chair. When we needed to use it, I had to go around and collect all the pieces. Not quite what you want to do when you gotta go!

Third (and maybe this is just a combination of the other two things), it wasn't very interesting to the kids. While they did sit on it, it didn't draw their attention the way I hoped it might.

My friend over at Curly Hairdo Ideas turned me on to a great book about elimination communication, and it suggested the Baby Bjorn Little Potty, so I thought I'd try that out. I found a great deal on-line, and ordered a pair up.
Super cute, right? Even cuter once I got it and realized how tiny and adorable it was. My 16 pound baby looked right at home on it, not struggling with the size at all. At the same time, it wasn't too small for the bigger toddlers. Perfect.

Actually, as soon as I set them out, the kids were all drawn to it right away. It got a lot of use within the first few hours.

Aside from the size, I really liked the one-piece design of this potty. Rather than dealing with bits and pieces and finding everything to put back together, or taking the seat off every time to empty it, you just pick it up, dump it out, and give it a quick rinse.

Simple makes mom happy.

1 comment:

  1. Great post!!! :D I loved it! and those potties are just way too cute anyway.
