Monday, December 13, 2010

What kids learn from your marriage

We've always heard the saying "monkey see, monkey do" when it comes to raising kids -- but have we really put much thought into just how deep that goes? A new article from Parents magazine had me thinking this morning. What kids learn from your marriage takes a look at how moms and dads interact with each other and how that affects the kids.

The writer uses an example about who does the cooking that really stuck with me. In her home, she and her husband do the cooking together. So when her kids were playing house with some friends, they were certain that was the way it was supposed to go! I remember having similar feelings as a kid -- my dad did most of the cooking in our house, so that seemed pretty normal to me. Spending time in the homes of friends, I was always really interested in how things went there.

Now in my own marriage, I don't often put much thought into how our interactions with each other are viewed by the kids. (Aside from "Ew! They're kissing again!") I wonder what my children would say on this subject? What are moms roles, and what are dads?

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