Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dealing with biting

I have been frustrated recently to find myself dealing with a biting toddler at my daycare. Little D recently turned one, and at about that time decided to start biting everyone he could get between his teeth.

Strangely enough, considering it appears this is a common phase, I had never dealt with biting in any of my children, so I was at a bit of a loss as to what to do.

I tried asking around, but most of the answers people came up with weren't things I was going to try with a child -- especially one that wasn't mine! People suggesting biting him back, flicking his nose, and hot sauce. I did get a few great tips, as well, but didn't have much luck with any of them.

I shadowed him constantly, but it seemed like every time I turned around for one moment, he managed to bite someone again! The odd thing, in my mind, was that it didn't appear to be provoked in any way most of the time. Not that it never was, but it didn't seem provoked as a rule.

Oh, you have the toy and I think I want it? Chomp.

You wandered into my space unexpectedly? Chomp.

L took my juice cup, but S was closer? Sorry, S. Chomp.

There doesn't seem to be any particular child who is the victim, either. At first we thought it was just the bigger kids, maybe because he felt threatened? But it quickly became clear it was everyone. Before I knew it, I was getting calls almost nightly from concerned parents.

His mom and dad were great about it, even coming in one day to hang out and watch him, to see if they could pinpoint a behavior they could work on. But, of course, while they were here, he mostly wanted their attention, not to play with the other children. So not much luck there.

I'm still at a total loss, but we're working on finding solutions...(If anyone has fantastic advice for me, I'm all ears!)

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